Proper Rotation
Proper rotation through the swing will give your shots more power. Enjoy! #golf #golflessons #golftips #thevintage #huntervalley...

The Driver
A quick tip for getting your driver to work for you! Enjoy! #GolfTips #TheVintage #HunterValleygolf #HunterValley...

Hunter Valley Living
It was great chatting about all thing golf and "Vintage living" with the Hunter Valley magazine! I'm proud to call The Vintage home and...

Perfect Your Putting
This week's tip is how to avoid the dreaded yips. With the correct grip and swing technique, you should be able to see improvement in...

Lob/Flop Shots
A quick tip today about lob/flop shots! Remember, proper club selection, modified grip, proper stance and follow through. Happy golfing...

Check your Alignment!
A quick tip today - check your alignment to help get rid of those slices and pulls! Happy Golfing! #golf #golftips #goldlessons...

Cease the Slice
One of the most asked questions that I get as a Teaching Professional is “How am I going to fix my slice!?” There are a few fundamental...
Don't Do the "S" Word (rhymes with tank...)
Stop Shanking!!! We’ve all seen them – and we all dread them…if you ever get the shanks, follow these simple steps to try to end them...
Golf Drills
Over the next few months, I will be giving you a series of drills that will help improve your game. This month, we will discuss the...
The Mental Game
When you hit a bad shot (and believe me, every golfer hits these!), your reaction and coping mechanisms are crucial to the rest of your...