Proper Rotation
Proper rotation through the swing will give your shots more power. Enjoy! #golf #golflessons #golftips #thevintage #huntervalley...

Proper Grip Pressure
A great tip to manage your grip pressure on the club. #golftips #golf #thevintage #huntervalleygolf #ping #pinggolf #golfaustralia

The Driver
A quick tip for getting your driver to work for you! Enjoy! #GolfTips #TheVintage #HunterValleygolf #HunterValley...

Hunter Valley Living
It was great chatting about all thing golf and "Vintage living" with the Hunter Valley magazine! I'm proud to call The Vintage home and...

Check your Alignment!
A quick tip today - check your alignment to help get rid of those slices and pulls! Happy Golfing! #golf #golftips #goldlessons...

Proper Weight Transference
New quick tip about proper weight transference which is very important for power and consistency! #kissthekneesplease #golf #golftips...

Help with the Hooks...
What to look for if you are hooking the ball… Check your left hand grip and bake sure you can only see 2 ½ knuckles, not three or four;...

Cease the Slice
One of the most asked questions that I get as a Teaching Professional is “How am I going to fix my slice!?” There are a few fundamental...
Don't Do the "S" Word (rhymes with tank...)
Stop Shanking!!! We’ve all seen them – and we all dread them…if you ever get the shanks, follow these simple steps to try to end them...
Golf Drills
Over the next few months, I will be giving you a series of drills that will help improve your game. This month, we will discuss the...